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Monday, October 29, 2007

Impeach Bush

Hace tiempo mencionaba como Mr. Dipshit amenazó con una Tercera Guerra Mundial, usando a Iran como pretexto. Aqui hay un poco de información acerca de como Bush esta mintiendo (otra vez) para apretar el botón rojo y aventarle una bomba a Teherán, desatando asi la Tercera Guerra mundial. Siendo ciudadanos mexicanos, no podemos hacer nada para correr a Bush de oficina, pero al menos podemos inforrmarnos y dar nuestro apoyo a la gente que está trabajando para sacarlo de la Casa Blanca.
Me parece que la imagen dice mucho, click en ella, ok?

The World Can't Wait

Aquí más links:

Noticias que reportan planes para atacar Irán

Impeach '07

Por qué Estados Unidos se ha convertido en el perfecto estado fascista: Un análisis.

Chis Jordan. Simplemente porque lo amo.

Espero que lean e investigen. La información es lo que nos hace poderosos.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bush: Threat of World War III if Iran goes nuclear

By Matt Spetalnick

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush warned on Wednesday a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III as he tried to shore up international opposition to Tehran amid Russian skepticism over its nuclear ambitions.

Bush was speaking a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has resisted Western pressure to toughen his stance over Iran's nuclear program, made clear on a visit to Tehran that Russia would not accept any military action against Iran.

At a White House news conference, Bush expressed hope Putin would brief him on his talks in Tehran and said he would ask him to clarify recent remarks on Iran's nuclear activities.

Putin said last week that Russia, which is building Iran's first atomic power plant, would "proceed from the position" that Tehran had no plans to develop nuclear weapons but he shared international concerns that its nuclear programs "should be as transparent as possible."

"The thing I'm interested in is whether or not he continues to harbor the same concerns that I do," Bush said. "When we were in Australia (in September), he reconfirmed to me that he recognizes it's not in the world's interest for Iran to have the capacity to make a nuclear weapon."

Bush, who has insisted he wants a diplomatic solution to the Iranian issue, is pushing for a third round of U.N. sanctions against Iran.

Russia, a veto-holding member of the Security Council, backed two sets of limited U.N. sanctions against Iran but has resisted any tough new measures.

Stepping up his rhetoric, Bush said a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a "dangerous threat to world peace."

"We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel," he said. "So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."


Iran rejects accusations it is seeking to develop a nuclear bomb, saying it wants nuclear technology for peaceful civilian purposes such as power generation, and has refused to heed U.N. Security Council demands to halt sensitive uranium enrichment.

Chief Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani was quoted by Iran's official IRNA news agency on Wednesday as saying that Putin had delivered a "special message" on its atomic program and other issues. No other details were given.

Putin's visit on Tuesday was watched closely because of Moscow's possible leverage in the Islamic Republic's nuclear standoff with the West. It was the first time a Kremlin chief went to Iran since Josef Stalin in 1943.

Asked about Putin's "special message," U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey said he was not aware of any deal or offer put forward by Moscow to Tehran over the nuclear program.

On Russian opposition to Caspian Sea states being used to launch attacks against Iran, Casey reiterated that Bush kept all his options on the table but that the United States was committed to the diplomatic path with Tehran.

CARAJO! ALGUIEN LO PUEDE MATAR?! Por favor?! No puede ser! No pienso morir por su pinche culpa. Maldita sea Bush es un dipshit.
Lo más perturbante es todo el poder que tiene en su estúpida mano.
Podemos adelantar las elecciones?

Qué miedo

noticia aqui

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Predicciones para el 2025-2050

Desde 1985, cada año la revista The Futurist selecciona las 10 predicciones más relevantes que han aparecido en la revista. The Futurist ha escogido predicciones como el fin de la guerra fría y el internet. A continuación les dejo con los forecasts que predicen más alla del 2008.
Definitivamente algo que se tiene que leer. Pero más que nada, es un llamado a que hagamos algo y comencemos a tomar acción para prevenir problemas que se pueden... ehem, prevenir.
En fin, aqui están.

1. The world will have a billion millionaires by 2025. Globalization and technological innovation are driving this increased prosperity. But challenges to prosperity will also become more acute, such as water shortages that will affect two-thirds of world population by 2025. --James Canton, author of "The Extreme Future," reviewed in THE FUTURIST May-June 2007, p. 54

2. Fashion will go wired as technologies and tastes converge to revolutionize the textile industry. Researchers in smart fabrics and intelligent textiles (SFIT) are working with the fashion industry to bring us color-changing or perfume-emitting jeans, wristwatches that work as digital wallets, and running shoes like the Nike +iPod that watch where you're going (possibly allowing others to do the same). Powering these gizmos remains a key obstacle. But industry watchers estimate that a $400 million market for SFIT is already in place and predict that smart fabrics could revitalize the U.S. and European textile industry. --Patrick Tucker, "Smart Fashion," Sep-Oct 2007, p. 68

3. The threat of another cold war with China, Russia, or both could replace terrorism as the chief foreign-policy concern of the United States. Scenarios for what a war with China or Russia would look like make the clashes and wars in which the United States is now involved seem insignificant. The power of radical jihadists is trivial compared with Soviet missile capabilities, for instance. The focus of U.S. foreign policy should thus be on preventing an engagement among Great Powers. --Edward N. Luttwak, "Preserving Balance among the Great Powers," Nov-Dec 2006, p. 26

4. Counterfeiting of currency will proliferate, driving the move toward a cashless society. Sophisticated new optical scanning technologies could, in the next five years, be a boon for currency counterfeiters, so societies are increasingly putting aside their privacy fears about going cashless. Meanwhile, cashless technologies are improving, making them far easier and safer to use. --Allen H. Kupetz, "Our Cashless Future," May-June 2007, p. 37

5. The earth is on the verge of a significant extinction event. The twenty-first century could witness a biodiversity collapse 100 to 1,000 times greater than any previous extinction since the dawn of humanity, according to the World Resources Institute. Protecting biodiversity in a time of increased resource consumption, overpopulation, and environmental degradation will require continued sacrifice on the part of local, often impoverished communities. Experts contend that incorporating local communities' economic interests into conservation plans will be essential to species protection in the next century. --World Trends & Forecasts, Nov-Dec 2006, p. 6

6. Water will be in the twenty-first century what oil was in the twentieth century. Global fresh water shortages and drought conditions are spreading in both the developed and developing world. In response, the dry state of California is building 13 desalination plants that could provide 10%-20% of the state's water in the next two decades. Desalination will become more mainstream by 2020. --William E. Halal, "Technology's Promise: Highlights from the TechCast Project," Nov-Dec, p. 44

7. World population by 2050 may grow larger than previously expected, due in part to healthier, longer-living people. Slower than expected declines of fertility in developing countries and increasing longevity in richer countries are contributing to a higher rate of population growth. As a result, the UN has increased its forecast for global population from 9.1 billion people by 2050 to 9.2 billion. --World Trends & Forecasts, Sep-Oct 2007, p. 10

8. The number of Africans imperiled by floods will grow 70-fold by 2080. The rapid urbanization taking place throughout much of Africa makes flooding particularly dangerous, altering the natural flow of water and cutting off escape routes. If global sea levels rise by the predicted 38 cm by 2080, the number of Africans affected by floods will grow from 1 million to 70 million. --World Trends & Forecasts, July-Aug 2007, p. 7

9. Rising prices for natural resources could lead to a full-scale rush to develop the Arctic. Not just oil and natural gas, but also the Arctic's supplies of nickel, copper, zinc, coal, freshwater, forests, and of course fish are highly coveted by the global economy. Whether the Arctic states tighten control over these commodities or find equitable and sustainable ways to share them will be a major political challenge in the decades ahead. --Lawson W. Brigham, "Thinking about the Arctic's Future: Scenarios for 2040," Sep-Oct 2007, p. 27

10. More decisions will be made by nonhuman entities. Electronically enabled teams in networks, robots with artificial intelligence, and other noncarbon life-forms will make financial, health, educational, and even political decisions for us. Reason: Technologies are increasing the complexity of our lives and human workers' competency is not keeping pace well enough to avoid disasters due to human error. --Arnold Brown, "'Not with a Bang': Civilization's Accelerating Challenge," Sep-Oct 2007, p. 38

Interesante, ¿no? La que más me choqueo fue la de Rusia adueñándose del Ártico y la latente guerra entre Gringolandia y China.

Qué miedo.

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Free at LAST!!!!!!!

Por fin, Nine Inch Nails es una entidad completamente independiente. Trent ha terminado su contracto con Universal y POR FIN es completamente libre de hacer lo que le de la gana. Aqui el post de Trent en donde anuncia este fantástico momento:

08 October 2007: Big News

Hello everyone. I've waited a LONG time to be able to make the
following announcement: as of right now Nine Inch Nails is a totally
free agent, free of any recording contract with any label. I have
been under recording contracts for 18 years and have watched the
business radically mutate from one thing to something inherently very
different and it gives me great pleasure to be able to finally have a
direct relationship with the audience as I see fit and appropriate.
Look for some announcements in the near future regarding 2008.
Exciting times, indeed.
posted by Trent Reznor at 10:45 AM.

Estoy tan feliz por Trent, que se no nos va a defraudar en ésta nueva etapa de una de los músicos mas grandes, trascendentes y con más integridad artística que el mundo ha visto. Y también estoy muy, muy, muy emocionada por los tiempos que vienen.

He esperado este día durante muchos años. El día en que por fin, Nine Inch Nails sería libre. El día en que no habría nada entre NIN y sus fans, entre NIN y la forma en que se presenta la obra de Arte. Aquellos fans de Trent Reznor me entienden. Creo que también muchos músicos que se han visto atados a un contrato de una disquera de porquería me entienden.

Estoy muy, muy, muy feliz. :D

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Thursday, October 04, 2007


EDIT: La protesta se llevará acabo el 06 de Octubre en frente del Palacio de Bellas Artes a las 3:00 de la tarde. Todos los que asistan, lleven pancartas y panfletos. Los volantes los pueden bajar en los siguientes links: VOLANTE HOY, volante de Myanmar1, volante de Myanmar 2, china avaaz.
Gracias a todos.

Hola a todos.
El motivo por el que les escribo es importante. Esto no es una cadena. Es un llamado para los que tengan voluntad, nos unamos para manifestarnos en contra de las atrocidades que el gobierno de Myanmar (la junta militar) está cometiendo contra de sus propios ciudadanos y de los monjes budistas que se atrevieron a marchar y alzar la voz después de tantos años de opresión. Desde la semana pasada se está viviendo una crisis muy fuerte en Myanmar.
Las primeras protestas no fueron silenciadas, pero a partir del 27 de Septiembre, la junta militar ha estado matando a monjes y civiles.
Reporteros han sido asesinados y el dia 28 de Septiembre el gobierno encerró en un templo a mas de 200 monjes y los quemaron vivos. Miles de refugiados se encuentran en la frontera con Tailandia.
Los medios han sido censurados y el internet ha sido suspendido. Un corresponsal de la BBC ha podido seguir reportando a las oficinas de Londres pero ha tenido que permanecer en el anonimato por su propia seguridad.
China es la clave. Después de que el gobierno Chino fue confrontado por la comunidad internacional, éste dijo que el conflicto era interno, mientras que ellos son los que proveen la ayuda económica al gobierno para que continue en el poder. Es el mismo caso con India y Rusia. Las tres naciones que mas lazos tienen con la junta militar en Burma.
Hay que hacer un llamado al gobierno Chino, Indio y Ruso.
Es preciso protestar en contra de estas atrocidades.
Éste Sabado, alrededor del mundo, se llevarán acabo manifestaciones en países como Australia, Austria, Brasil, Inglaterra, Mongolia, Tailandia, Taiwan, Suecia, Malasia, Filipinas, Corea del Sur, Canadá, Irlanda, Suiza, España, Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Suecia, Noruega, Alemania, India y Bélgica. ¿Dónde está México? Por el amor de Dios, MONGOLIA va a manifestarse, y nosotros los Mexicanos no somos capaces de hacer nada. Taiwan, que es parte del territorio Chino y con peligro a repercusiones bastante fuertes, tiene los HUEVOS como para levantarse y decir ¡NO! ¿Luego porqué nunca nos toman en cuenta? ¡Porque nunca hacemos nada!
Éste correo es una invitación a todos ustedes a manifestarse conmigo en contra de los crimenes que se están cometiendo. Para que el mundo vea de una vez por todas que México no es un país apático. Ya es hora de que la gente se de cuenta de lo que está pasando y lo importante que es levantarse y manifestarse.
Los gobiernos han llegado a creerse que a la gente no le importa mucho lo que hagan mientras que no les afecte "directamente". Esto es un peligro. El día puede llegar en que nos silencien de una vez por todas. A fin de cuentas, nadie nunca utiliza su derecho.
No les quitaré mas tiempo. Por favor, si se animan a unirse a los movimientos a nivel global que se armaran, contactenme. La mayoría de ustedes tienen mi celular. Lo que se me ocurria era ir a protestar frente de la embajada China, pero cmo será Sábado, no habrá nadie. Otra es en el Ángel. Llamar a los medios y tomar video. Pasarlo, subirlo a internet.
Si a alguien de ustedes se le ocurre algo mejor, háganmelo saber. Pasen la información a sus amigos y familiares. Si van a otra escuela que no sea la mía, también corran la voz.
Nos organizamos y nos ponemos de acuerdo en como marchar, manifestarnos, protestar, etc. En frente de la embajada China no creo que sea muy conveniente ya que no habrá nadie, aunque el símbolo sera suficiente. Probablemente en el ángel. No lo sé. Se necesita saber la cantidad de gente que iria.
Por mi parte, iré a volantear a la FES Acatlán y probablemente a CU.
No se queden sentados. WAKE UP AND GIVE A SHIT.

A continuación, les anexo un mail de y un link en donde pueden checar todas las manifestaciones que se llevarán acabo a nivel mundial en contra del gobierno de Myanmar. Lo pueden checar aqui:
Gracias por leer esto, y espero que de verdad despierten.

Dear friends,

Today, our petition to China and the UN Security Council to stop the brutal crackdown on peaceful Burmese protesters is being delivered to the world in a full page ad in the Financial Times worldwide -- but the ad was rejected by other newspapers like the South China Morning Post and the Singapore Straits Times. Our message is an invitation to China to do the right thing in Burma, not an attack -- yet even that seemed too much for media that fear Chinese reprisals.

We won't let our voice be silenced like this. We're taking our message to the streets, in an international day of action on Saturday -- details are on our petition page, and below. And we're redoubling our efforts to make our voice louder: our petition is approaching 600,000 signatures, closing fast on our 1 million goal.The petition link is below - send this email to all your friends and family and help us reach 1 million voices by Saturday!

To organize an event for the global day of action, just follow the steps below. To attend an event, scroll down our petition page at the link above for a list of events around the world. Here's some simple steps for organizers:

* Choose a public place or landmark in your town, and organize friends to go there all wearing the same maroon red clothing as the Burmese monks. Tell local media about your plans, and email the details and contact information to -- we will try to advertise your event on our petition page.
* Ask people attending your event to share their feelings on this crisis and the need for action, and then tie a red ribbon or piece of cloth around fences or trees to leave a more lasting sign of your support for the Burmese.

The worldwide outcry to save Burma's peaceful monks and protesters is one more sign of how the world is getting closer, feeling increasingly responsible to each other, and for each other as human beings. We're bringing a voice of humanity to this desperate situation, and we must not be silenced.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Paul, Graziela, Ben, Sarah, Iain, Galit, Pascal, Milena and the whole Avaaz Team.

PS – Here are some great links for local reporting on the current situation in Burma: is staffed by a global team of campaigners operating on 3 continents. We have administrative offices in London, New York, and Rio de Janeiro. Please direct mail to our NY office at 260 Fifth Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.

Si no entendieron nada, aqui les va..

En español:
Queridos amigos,
Hoy, nuestra petición a China y al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas para la brutal opresión sobre los protestantes de Burma va a ser entregada en una pagina completa del Financial Times Worldwide-- pero la petición fue rechazada por otros periódicos como el South China Morning Post y el Singapore Straits. Nuestro mensaje es una invitación a China a hacer lo correcto respecto a Burma, no un ataque-- aunque ésto pareció ser demasiado para los medios temerosos de alguna represalia por parte del gobierno chino.

No dejaremos que callen nuestras voces. Estamos llevando nuestro mensaje a las calles en un dia de acción internacional éste Sabado: los detalles están mas abajo en este mensaje. Estamos redoblando nuestros esfuerzos para hacer nuestra voz mas fuerte: Nuestra petición se acerca a 600,000 firmas muy cerca del millon. Manda este mail a tus amigos y familia y ayudanos a alcanzar nuetra meta de un millon de firmas para el Sabado!

Para organizar un evento, solo sigue los pasos que se describen a continuacion. Para asistir a un evento, checa nuestra página de peticiones y encuentra un evento cercano a tí. Aqui esán algunos pasos para organizadores:
  • Escoge un lugar público o un monumento en tu ciudad y organizate con tus amigos para ir vestidos de color marron como el que usan los monjes de Burma. Informa a los medios de tus planes y manda por correo los detalles a anunciar tu evento en nuestra página de peticiones.
  • Invita a las personas que asistan al evento a que expresen su postura acerca de la crisis y la necesidad de actuar, aten un moño rojo o un pedazo de tela roja en rejas o en los árboles para dejar un mensaje mas duradero de su apoyo al pueblo de Burma.
Las protestas alrededor del mundo por la situación que se vive en Burma es una señal más de como el mundo se está uniendo, sintiendose cada vez más responsable uno del otro como seres humanos. Estamos alzando la voz contra esta situación desesperante y no debemos de ser silenciados.
Con esperanza y determinación,

Ricken, Paul, Graziela, Ben, Sarah, Iain, Galit, Pascal, Milena y todo el equipo de Avaaz.

p.s. - Aquí estan unos links muy útiles respecto a la crisis en Burma:

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

And they chose this asshole to lead their country...

Miren con lo que me encontré. Precaución si es que están comiendo o tomando algo, podría salirseles por la nariz. Ahora, a cagarse de la risa...

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
...George W. Bush

"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."
...Governor George W. Bush

"Welcome to Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts."
...Governor George W. Bush

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit...Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe."
...Governor George W. Bush, 8/11/94

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century."
...Governor George W. Bush, 9/15/95

"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy -- but that could change."
...Governor George W. Bush, 5/22/98

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
...Governor George W. Bush, 12/6/93

"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
...Governor George W. Bush, 11/30/96

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
...Governor George W. Bush

"The future will be better tomorrow."
...Governor George W. Bush

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
...Governor George W. Bush 9/21/97

"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."
...Governor George W. Bush

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
...Governor George W. Bush to Sam Donaldson, 8/17/93

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
...Governor George W. Bush

"Public speaking is very easy."
...Governor George W. Bush to reporters

"I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican."
...Governor George W. Bush

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
...Governor George W. Bush

"When I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in LA, my answer has been direct & simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame."
...George W. Bush

"Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it."
...Governor George W. Bush 5/20/96

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
...Governor George W. Bush 9/22/97

"For NASA, space is still a high priority."
...Governor George W. Bush, 9/5/93

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."
...Governor George W. Bush , 9/18/95

"The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that George Bush may or may not make."
...Governor George W. Bush

"We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made."
...Governor George W. Bush

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
...Governor George W. Bush

"[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system."
...Governor George W. Bush

Way to go Mr. Dipshit. Animal estúpido.
Como lo odio.

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Monday, October 01, 2007


No mamen, el cierre de año va a estar bien cabron. Mis bolsillos se quedaráan completamente vacios.
Primero, viene 30 Seconds To Mars (oh si, Jared Leto y sus gritos, oh si). Cabe mencionar que cuando me enteré casi chillo y me andaba orgasmeando. A huevo.
Ahora me acabo de enterar que viene VNV Nation el 24 de Noviembre al VDMas, ahi donde fue el chow de Covenant. Ya vi a los VNV una vez, allá en el Centro de Convenciones Tlatelolco. Para todos que les guste la banda pero esten dudando en irlos a ver, los invito a que vayan. El show en vivo no tiene madre. Verán ver a correr, brincar, dar piruetas y sudar a Ronan Harris. Está poca madre.
También me enteré que viene aquella joyita escondida...Tristeza, y creo que vienen con Pelican. Paren de mamar. También me orgasmé cuando me entere. TRRISTEEEEZZAA!!!! Y PELICAN!! NO.MAMEN.
Viene Assemblage 23 el 10 de Noviembre. Nunca los he visto en vivo, y es de mis bandas favoritas. Este evento será mi regalo de cumpleaños a mi misma. Wooohooo!!!!!!!!
Y para que la niña Mena este satisfecha y no se queje, viene unos de los ultimate fucking gods of electro. Nunca, nunca los he visto, pero ha sido uno de mis sueños. La primera vez que vinieron yo todavia no los conocá, tengo que confesar. Adrien Hates los ama, por eso fue el que le dió una oportunidad a Torben Wendt. Tienen un disco ridiculamente bueno, Her Liquid Arms. No adivinan todavia de quien les hablo? Ok, ok, aqui va....


Asi es, DI.O.RA.MA.
Excuse me while I go cry from joy....


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