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Monday, March 03, 2008


Iba a actualizar este blog con las buenas nuevas de que Nine Inch Nails acaba de sacar un disco nuevecito. Iba a rantear de lo grandiosa que es la postura que Trent Reznor ha tomado frente a la industria de los discos. También iba a postear mi reporte completito del FICCO. Pero creo que hay cosas más importantes que están pasando las cuales debemos (por "debemos" me refiero a mi, ya que para una servidora esto es una obligación moral. Ustedes son libres de hacer lo que les vaya en gana) divulgar y que tener en la mira.

Creo que ya conocen mi postura frente a la ocupación israelita de Palestina y lo que pienso del sionismo, los links que tienen a su derecha claramente ilustran mi posición frente al conflicto asi que no perderé tiempo explicándolo.

Se ha alcanzado en Palestina un punto de desesperación y violencia nunca antes visto desde la respuesta del IDF frente a la Segunda Intifiada y desde la guerra Israel-Hezbollah. Israel está contemplando una invasión completa de Gaza. Todo el fin de semana estuvieron aventando misiles a la franja de Gaza, matando decenas de Palestinos inocentes. Este ataque es respuesta a las amenazas y ataques de Hamas a Israel. Atrás de todo esto está los almighty U.S of A apoyando a Fatah y financiando la guerra civil en Palestina.

La situación es drástica. Estamos hablando de la posibilidad REAL de que Israel entre violentamente a toda la franja de Gaza y tal vez al West Bank bajo el pretexto de buscar a gente de Hamas escondida en Nabulus, Ramallah y Hebrón.

La violencia escala exponencialmente cada minuto.

Ayer, durante el ataque militar a Gaza, el ejercito Israeli mató a decenas de refugiados incluyendo niños. Si no me creen, aquí una foto de una bebé de 25 meses asesinada por el IDF:

Muhammad Al-Bur`i, un niño victima de los ataques de Israel en Gaza:

El ejercito israeli ha tomado una postura violenta, ridicula y sangrienta que me hace recordar a Hitler. Tanto, que el gobierno de "Israel" acaba de amenazar con un "holocausto" Palestino.

Que bien aprendieron de Hitler, no? Los oprimidos se convierten los opresores, los asesinados se convierten en genocidas. Los perseguidos se vuelven inquisidores.

Pobrecitos israelitas. Los Palestinos tienen la culpa de todo. Malditos fanaticos terroristas.
Pobrecitos sionistas, que no han levantado un dedo contra el pueblo árabe.

p.d. Fotografias cortesía del angry arab


Blogger Avi said...

I saw your comment on my blog. Typical lefty reaction- name calling and ignoring my points.

I noticed that your header says "I love Pseudostine". That's odd since I looked on the map and could find no such country. Interestingly, I searched the history books and no such place ever existed. There was never a sovereign Arab state by the name of Palestine. In Arabic there is no 'P' sound so they say 'Falastine'!

I would love to know:

1) When was Palestine founded?
2) By who?
3) Who was its first king?
4) Where was its capital?
5) What sort of government did it have?

Thanks for the help.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Bloodplayer said...

Really? This is all you could come up with? Typical zionist arguments?
What a shame.
Anyway, i'll start by pointing out that Palestine was created after WWI, and was a British Mandate. The British Mandate of PALESTINE. It wasn't called the British Mandate of ISRAEL, now was it?
During that time, people who inhabited there were arab christians in its majority, but also jews and arab muslims live there. These people lived fine until zionist came along and "israel" was founded, but this is another story.
From the creation of PALESTINE to the end of WWII people continued to coexist peacefully, until the Balfour declaration came along and Hitler made possible for zionists to create an illegal state. The rest, as we know, is history.
And being that you love facts, you must know that the zionist motto "a land without people for people without a land" is a falacy. Palestine did have it's people, and those people owned the land. Palestinians owned Palestine. True, there was never an autonomous state, but that is because the brits gave Palestine to the zionists. There was never a chance for independence. Now, we all know the reason why israel has succedeed: u.s. aid. That's beyond question.
Now, I'd like you to tell me how is it people sleep well at night knowing they live in an ILLEGAL state that violates the supranationality principle, not to mention international law.
Do you know "israel" is the foremost violator of U.N. resolutions? Also, "israel" is an apartheid state. They have the RIGHT to be racist, in their minds. I wonder, did you support South Arica too?
Also, israel has shamelessly performed ethnic cleansing. That must be the result of being taught by Hitler. Zionists learned quite well.
About you not finding any history book that shows where PALESTINE is, you should check geography books that were printed right after WWI. Right where this murderers have built there "state" there was a country called PALESTINE.

Oh, and I never name-called you.
Also, resorting to phonetics to prove a point is not only sad, it's beyong pathetic.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Avi said...

Jews and Muslims lived peacefully in Israel until those evil Zionists showed up? I'm sure that the Arab pogroms of 1920-21 and 1929 where tens of Jews were massacred were peaceful. And when all of the Jews of the yeshiva in Hebron were dissemboweled? Peaceful. (My grandfather only survived because he hid in a barrel-- though that's probably a lie just like the Holocaust.) In fact, Jews living in all Muslim lands suffered from pogroms, discrimination, massacres, humilation and forced coversions. Why do you think that over a million Arab Jews were expelled in 1948?

How is Israel illegal? Arabs vote and have equal rights in Israel. It is just as legal as Italy, Egypt or the US. The UN shamelessly condemns Israel while ignoring gross human rights violations by Libya, Saudi Arabia or China. There's a genocide going on in Darfur and the world's fixated on the Joooos.

Oh, and I sleep well at night. Thanks.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Avi said...

BTW, Israel received no US aid before '67 and we kicked Arab ass in six days. We also defeated over a million bloodthirsty Arab animals in '48.

10:56 AM  

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